:: Coat of arms |
:: Statistics |
37.204 individuals
12.096 families
Local heritage book of Wünschelburg
Wünschelburg - polish Radków (since 1946)
Town in Grafschaft Glatz/Lower Slesia at the border to Czech Republic
Information of
Municipal Encyclopedia 1908 Province Slesia
Provinc Slesia, government district of Breslau, district of Neurode, town.
Houses being inhabitat: 284
Inhabitants: 2.769
From that Protestant 189
with mother tongue German: 189
with mother tongue Polish: -
with mother tongue Czech: -
German and other language: -
From that Catholic 2.580
with mother tongue German: 2.507
with mother tongue Polish: -
with mother tongue Czech: 62
other language: 10
German and other language: 1
Protetant Church: Wuenschelburg;
Catholic Church: Wuenschelburg;
Registry office: Wuenschelburg;
District court: Glatz;
Country court: Wuenschelburg.
(Date: 01.12.1905)
The data of Wuenschelburg (date: 2024, June) covers at the time the period of the eldest, up to now not filmed church book 1624 – 1650 and the filmed data up to 1874 with its connections to the following time. A great part on my own father’s side is coming from Wuenschelburg, so these data are temporal and local over and above that.
As far as possible the the persons were put together to families, some of the data might be connected in future. Some of the names (not only of the persons but also of the towns) might be written wrong, especially if those were rare or unreadable. So, sorry, but I can’t guarantee all data.
Known gaps in the church bools of Wuenschelburg:
Baptism: February 1646 till April 1646
Baptism, church wedding, burial: December 1666 till April 1671
Church wedding: 1747 till 1766 (complete church book)
In this family database Personen individuals are collected who lived in Wünschelburg.
If you have got any changes or additions (i.e birthdays or baptisms of non-local persons), please give the information to:
Andreas Gebauer ( ofb-wuenschelburg@web.de )
· Chronik von Wuenschelburg Teil 1 u. 2 (Chronicle of Wuenschelburg, only in German) published by Heimatgemeinschaft Wünschelburg e.V. / Anröchte / Westfalen / Germany, 1968 u. 1972
· Church book of Wuenschelburg: Baptism, church weddings, burial 1624 - 1650
· Church books of Wuenschelburg since 1650 (on microfilms of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [Mormons])
· Die letzten Deutschen aus Wuenschelburg, Oberrathen und Reichenforst, Paul Nößler, 1994 (families of Wunschelburg, only in German)
· Ortsippenbuch Rinschheim, Baden, Norbert Linsler, 1991