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Home > Databases > Local heritage books > Wildenbruch

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:: Statistics
3.075 individuals
1.202 families
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Local heritage book of Wildenbruch

Wildenbruch, an old administrative village in the district of Greifenhagen in Pomerania, today Swobnice in Poland.

An 1865 census revealed 82 houses, 169 farm buildings, and 9 buildings for handicrafts and trade, with 775 inhabitants. The main livelihoods of the inhabitants were agriculture, sheep breeding and fishing.

The data comes from the church register for 1786-1830 as well as the civil birth registers from 1876 and the death registers from 1874 and 1876.
Other registry office documents in the Stettin State Archives are incomplete. The whereabouts of the church records after 1831 is unknown.

I cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information. I am happy to receive corrections and additions.

:: More links
Pfeil Polen
Pfeil Pommern
Pfeil County Greifenhagen
Pfeil Wildenbruch in the Genealogical Place Register GOV
Pfeil Genealogical Literature Wildenbruch
Pfeil Wildenbruch in Wikipedia
Pfeil Geographical Location, City map Wildenbruch
:: Contact
For further information concerning these data and, if you have additions, corrections or questions, please contact:
Bernd Oldenburg

Last status Local heritage book of Wildenbruch: 15.07.2022
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