Local family database Nördliches Harzvorland
List of individuals
There are 7 individuals with the surname Grotefendt stored in this database.
GROTEFENDT, Anna (update) GROTEFENDT, Barbara ✶ 1536 in Barum 38229 Salzgitter, † Nov 1573 in Salzgitter (update) GROTEFENDT, Christine Elisabeth (update) GROTEFENDT, Gese ✶ 1635 in Barum 38229 Salzgitter, ▭ 14 Feb 1692 in Lobmachtersen 38259 Salzgitter (update) GROTEFENDT, Heinrich (update) GROTEFENDT, Ilsebey (Ilse) Katharina ✶ calc. 1706 in Klein Mahner 38704 Liebenburg, † 27 Apr 1771 in Gielde 38315 (update) GROTEFENDT, Ludolph (update)Last status Local family database Nördliches Harzvorland: 01.03.2009