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Local heritage book of Lavelsloh

The parish of Lavelsloh, lying on the Lower Saxony side of the border with Nordrhine-Westfalen a few kilometers east of Rahden/Westfalia, included during the period of time studied, the area of the early Amts Diepenau. The number for it (as of 1895) included the country town Diepenau ( 71 domestic buildings (W) , 434 residents with civic rights (E)) and the villages Bahlen (4 W, 27 E), Bohnhorst 55 W, 315 E), Bohnhorsterhöfen (7 W, 46 E), Bramkamp (31 W, 174 E), Dunkhorst (17 W, 81 E), Essern (36 W, 254 E), Haßfelderbahlen (3 W, 13 E), Hauskämpen (14 W, 96 E), Lavelsloh (115 W, 617 E), Nordhausen (27 W, 151 E), Nordel (80W, 431 E), Osterloh (20 W, 116 E), Quellhorst (2 W, 25 E) Schwarzenhausen (13 W, 71 E), Steinbrink (26 W, 188 E), Stellhorn (7 W, 40 E), as well as 8 farms in Ströhen, which otherwise is in the parish Varrel (collectively 243 W, 1459 E - developed its own parish in 1868), as well as regions occasionally named in the church books, Bohnhorster Bahlen, Nordeler Bruch, Verbarg und Vordenbahlen.

The statistical figures were taken from Heinrich Gade "Historisch-statistische Beschreibung der Grafschaften Hoya und Diepholz", Band 1 und 2 (Faksimiledruck 1980 der Ausgabe 1901, published by Verlag Walter Leseberg in Nienburg). Here one finds for the villages in part, detailed descriptions, likewise, under conclusion, one finds historical background.

The keeping of the church records in Lavelsloh began in 1654. This database encompasses the period from 1654 through 1875; occurences in the death records through 1878 are also included.

Additional information about the family names, often going back to 1521, can be found in both volumes of Heinrich Meyerholz 's "Bodenständige Familien in den Grafschaften Hoya und Diepholz" which is held in many archives. In it, the preliminary remarks, also comprise valuable hints about the development of family names until the end of the 18th century, whose characteristics has made the preceding work significantly difficult. (see under "Hints/Comments")

For the years from 1747 though 1799 the church book from Lavelsloh contains a chronicle drawn up by Pastors Oldendorp and Münchmeyer. The author can, if desired, put a copy at your disposal. [I am not sure about the previous sentence] Besides local events, indications of the weather and crops, politics and war-like occurrences from near and far were written about.
In about 1927-1928, the Lavelsloh Pastor Theleman wrote and account of an outstanding criminal case of 1772, the theft of a post wagon near Diepenau by a resident of the parish. Moreover, n a connected story "The Three Treasure Diggers", he portrayed the quest that followed in about 1818/1820 after the stolen goods from 1772.Further particulars were given about the ggf of the author.

The database is comprised of about 25,000 persons, in overwhelming part joined into over 6,200 families. It should be a help to family history and genealogical researchers, but it cannot take the place of specific work in the archives. Also, the author can provide no guarantee about the correctness. The data compilation was made with the program GENProfi.

The author is very thankful for the communication of corrections and supplementary information (for example, foreign births and christenings). Information about the foreign abodes of persons who left the church parish is of special interest to the author. Hints about this should be noted in the database, so that other researchers studying their ggf's connections can know the additional research information.

The database was assembled by Volkmar Häseker. Since his death in 2004, please send questions, corrections, and supplementary information about the database to
 Bernd Salewski ( )


Hints and comments: The user of the database must know that the church books from Lavelsloh have...
...about christening names
In the entries from 1654 to 1697 there normally are no Christening names included. The christened ones were always only "little son" or "little daughter". In a few cases a first name would be appended in a different handwriting. Also, from 1654 to 1749, only the father of the child is named. Only after this time is the identification of the connection of the mother to the family doubt free.
...about death data
From 1654 until 1727 almost without exception " the age at death is not given for those identified as "little son" or "little daughter. (see also under the "early" families.)
...about illegitimate births
Until 1875 in many cases the forenames of the mothers is not given. Often in place of the forenames, only the Christian name (calling name?) is recorded. More often hints are available about the third or fourth illegitimate child, although this is not always [interpretable] from the given names of the mother. In some cases, for that reason, the compiler could not join the child with the mother and had to put it under the remarks for the child.
...about the family names
It was the practice until about 1780, that a man marrying into a family took the name of the wife. If he married a widow, he carried on with the name of the dead farm owner.
Subsequently the birth name of the husbands was always used as the family name for birth and death records. By this means, when joining, families gave themselves a colorful name picture. Some children went with the family name of the mother, others with that of the father, even though, on the contrary, the father marrying into the family took the name of the wife. In death records, [ in all cases?] the father died under his birth name again, and also a child christened under the name of one parent might be married or die sometime later under the name of the other parent. Many times both family names were mentioned in the christening record (" Möhring oder Buschmann", "Buschmann sive Möhring", Möhring alias Buschmann", and so forth.) - Now and again the farm name came into play, so the a name construction such as "Buschmann oder Möhring sive Sudbrink" resulted.


The fore-mentioned circumstances have made the assembling of families much more difficult and can, despite great effort, possibly result in a false origin.

So that the confusion in the family names does not carry over to the catalog of names, the family names had to be brought to a uniform modern condition. This conflicts with the genealogical rule of conduct, that the family name a person is known by at Christening is left unchanged whenever possible, and certainly in his own way of writing it. ( Beerens, Berens, Behrens, Berns, Behrend, Berend and so forth very often appear in the same family).
About the catalog of names, that, of course, makes entry into the database possible, in order to limit its size are, for this reason, "leader names" were given. For example: Moering, Möring, Möhring, Buschmann sive Möring and so forth go under >MÖHRING, Smees, Schmehe, Smed, Schmid go under >SCHMIDT, one finds Köstring, Köstering, Küstring und Küstering under >Köstering/Küstering. In the database, illegitimate children are included with "Mutternamen gen Vaternamen"(gen = gennant = "known as"). Analogous with the practice of the time, that an illegitimate child officially would have taken the name of the father, in the catalog of names they are joined to the name of the father.
The changing of mens' names through marriage expresses itself by the addition "vulgo neuer Name" (vulgo new name" to the birth names. Associating these under the new family name in the catalog of names, one finds "Möhring vulgo Ostermeyer" under "Ostermeyer"! Under "Möhring" there is but a hint to see also Ostermeyer".

For the "earliest" families, the number of children is not correct in some circumstances. As mentioned above, only Son or Daughter, without declaration of a given name, was christened, and until 1727 no death age was given in the burial register. If an old, married family member died without a record of age at death, this person was always associated with an origin family with an supplementary estimated birth year if there exists more than one "Daughter" or "Son", a certain association was not possible.

Finally, I must then call attention to the fact that no distinct separation is given for the village names "Steinbrink" and Nordhausen" in the church records, because they overlap each other. In the same way, it is not known with certainty whether "Strohen" comes from the Parish Lavelsloh or the Parish Varrel, as well as an additional complication that Preussian Ströhen is also occasionally recorded only as "Ströhen".

:: More links
Pfeil Federal State Lower Saxony
Pfeil County Nienburg (Weser)
Pfeil Lavelsloh in the Genealogical Place Register GOV
Pfeil Official Homepage
Pfeil Lavelsloh in Wikipedia
Pfeil Geographical Location, City map Lavelsloh
:: Contact
For further information concerning these data and, if you have additions, corrections or questions, please contact:
Bernd Salewski

Last status Local heritage book of Lavelsloh: 09.04.2014
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