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Local heritage book of Huy-Neinstedt

Huy-Neinstedt lies approx. 14 km northwest of Halberstadt, on the north side of Huy, in the district of Harz in Saxony-Anhalt. The village is part of the municipality of Huy.  At the end of 2016, 165 inhabitants lived there.

The residential places Kuckucksmühle and Wilhelmshall belonged to Huy-Neinstedt.
The bishop of Halberstadt, Burchard I, donated the castle and village of Huysburg to the new Benedictine Huysburg monastery in 1083. The former inhabitants were now forced to leave their homes and settle in the surrounding area. Some of the resettled families settled in the northern gorge of the Huywald and called this place Neinstedt on the  Huy. The place was first mentioned in a document in 1156.

Places of interest include the St. Nicolai Church, some half-timbered houses from the 18th and 19th centuries and the Kucksmühle, from the second half of the 17th century. It is still functional today.

On the main street of Huy-Neinstedt there is the Piepenpal. It is a spring that has never dried up and does not freeze. The Piepenpal is fed from the Karst area of Huy. In former times, it was provided with a wooden post and a spout. Around 1800, the Piepenpal was converted into an iron well.

South of Huy-Neinstedt, at the top of Huy, one finds the glacial potholes. Together with the stomaliths near Wilhelmshall, they are natural monuments and witnesses of the geological development of this region. There you can discover mussel and ammonite fossils.
Throughout Huy, you will find an attractive network of hiking and cycling trails.

The former music director and composer of the Halberstadt theatre, Hans Auenmüller, lived in Huy-Neinstedt until 1991. His grave is in the Huy-Neinstedt cemetery.

The spelling of the surnames in the documents differs, e.g., Newy-Naevie-Newig, Hinze-Hintze or Arens-Ahrens. The names Keune and Kühne were often assigned to one family. Sometimes it is not so easy.

This local family book is supposed to be a research aid. It cannot be considered complete because there are many gaps in the church records. And some entries simply could not be read. It is not a binding document.

Content: baptisms 1678 - 1894, deaths 1678 - 1909, weddings 1678 - 1920
I would be very pleased to receive hints and additions.
Good luck and happy reading.
Werner Reimer

:: More links
Pfeil Federal State Sachsen-Anhalt
Pfeil County Harz
Pfeil Huy-Neinstedt in the Genealogical Place Register GOV
Pfeil Huy-Neinstedt in Wikipedia
Pfeil Geographical Location, City map Huy-Neinstedt
:: Contact
For further information concerning these data and, if you have additions, corrections or questions, please contact:
Werner Reimer

Last status Local heritage book of Huy-Neinstedt: 27.11.2024
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