Local heritage book of Zscherben/Kötzschen
Family report
Johann Christoph BÖHME
* 03.1819 in + Kötzschen ? + nach 1842
There are similar people in the OFB Niedereichstädt!
There are similar people in the OFB Magdeburg!
There are similar people in the OFB Niederwünsch!
There are similar people in the OFB Oberwünsch!
There are similar people in the OFB Benndorf/Naundorf (Geiseltal)!
There are similar people in the OFB Runstädt!
There are similar people in the OFB Klobikau!
There are similar people in the OFB Krakau (Bad Lauchstädt)!
There are similar people in the OFB Kriegstedt (Bad Lauchstädt)!
Christoph BHME ✶ 25.07.1700 in - Burgstaden, † 03.06.1727 in - Burgstaden
There are similar people in the OFB Geusa/Atzendorf!
Johann BHME ✶ 18.08.1679 in - Geusa, † 17.01.1754 in Naundorf
There are similar people in the OFB Blösien/Reipisch!
There are similar people in the OFB Bündorf!
There are similar people in the OFB Frankleben/Runstädt!
There are similar people in the OFB Möckerling!
There are similar people in the OFB Braunsroda!
Bemerkungen:(notes) geboren im März 1819
weiteres zur Person siehe OFB Frankleben / Runstädt
der 1. December,
[Aufgebote] hier und in Bedra,
Johann Christoph Böhme, Johann Gottlieb Böhme's, Nachbars und Einwohners und Polizeirichters allhier ehelicher Sohn, 20 3/4 Jahr alt,
Johanne Christiane Presch, Tobias Presch's, Nachbars und Einwohners zu Bedra, eheliche Tochter, 19 3/4 Jahr alt,
Familien (families)
Kinder (children)
Keine Familie gefunden! (No family found!) |
Keine Kinder in den vorliegenden Quellen gefunden! (No children found in used sources!) |
Eltern (parents) |
Geschwister (siblings) |
Vater: (father) |
Johann Gottlieb BÖHME
* vor 1790
+ nach 1842 in + Kötzschen ?
Johann Friedrich BÖHME * 1823 in + Kötzschen, + 1824 in Runstädt
Quellen:(sources) KBRS 1. H-017 (1839 # 1) | last update OFB: 28.02.2021
:: Notice |
In this family report all information about Johann Christoph Böhme is summarized. The listed names are (except of data protection) linking to the family reports of the selected persons. In the list of similar persons in other OFBs, the exact matches are highlighted in light blue. |
:: Contact |
For further information concerning these data and, if you have additions, corrections or questions, please contact:
Steffan Bruns
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