Local heritage book of Possessern u. Haarszen
Family report
Paula Ida POLIXA
* 12.09.1906 in Ortelsburg, Kr. Ortelsburg
There are similar people in the OFB Kutten (Kirchspiel)!
Familien (families)
Kinder (children)
1.Ehegatte: (1st spouse) |
* 21.07.1898 in Döbern, Kr. Preussisch Holland
oo 22.11.1935 in Königsberg
Keine Kinder in den vorliegenden Quellen gefunden! (No children found in used sources!) | | Bemerkungen:(notes)
Eltern (parents) |
Geschwister (siblings) |
Vater: (father) |
* 08.03.1871 in Koszinnen, Kr. Lötzen
+ 1945
Friedrich Otto POLIXA * 1898 in Kleszewen, Kr. Lötzen, + 1967 in Wanne, Kr. Gelsenkirchen, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Albert Otto POLIXA * 1898 in Insterburg, Kr. Insterburg, + 1901 in Insterburg, Kr. Insterburg
Erich Ernst POLIXA * 1901 in Insterburg, Kr. Insterburg, + 1959 in Marlen, Kr. Ortenau, Baden-Württemberg
Ella Auguste Elisabeth POLIXA * 1903 in Insterburg, Kr. Insterburg
Mutter: (mother) |
* 08.03.1876 in Koszinnen, Kr. Lötzen
+ 1945 in Husum, Kr. Nordfriesland, Schleswig-Holstein
Quellen:(sources) [Name] Research by Th. Kuschmierz, PAF_5.2.18.0, Kuschmierz.ged
Research by Th. Kuschmierz, PAF_5.2.18.0, Kuschmierz.ged | last update OFB: 05.02.2021
:: Notice |
In this family report all information about Paula Ida Polixa is summarized. The listed names are (except of data protection) linking to the family reports of the selected persons. In the list of similar persons in other OFBs, the exact matches are highlighted in light blue. |
:: Contact |
For further information concerning these data and, if you have additions, corrections or questions, please contact:
Olaf Jablonsky, Bernd Brozio (+)
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