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Home > Databases > Local heritage books > Mücheln

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Local heritage book of Mücheln
Family report

Marie Juliane GROBE [1]
bef. 1803
Religion evangelisch
Marriages / Partnerships Children
Spouse: Johann Jacob WALTHER
✶ bef. 1803
† bef. 1860
⚭ 22 Apr 1860 in St. Ulrich
Johanne Rosine Erdmuthe WALTHER ✶ 1821

[1] KBMU 4. H-014 (1860, #04)

last update: 18 Jan 2018

:: Notice
In this family report all information about Marie Juliane GROBE is summarized. The listed names are (except of data protection) linking to the family reports of the selected persons.
:: Contact
For further information concerning these data and, if you have additions, corrections or questions, please contact:
Frank Steinke

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