Local heritage book of Mönchpfiffel
Family report
Johann F r i e d r i c h DEICK
✶ |
in Pansfelde |
† |
1797 in Oldisleben |
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Occupation: |
Müller, 1773 in der Kloster-Mühle Mönchpfiffel |
Er war in Mönchpfiffel Pate bei Johanna Catharina Magdalena Flemming * 11.4.1782 [hier: Friedrich, Pachtmüller] Heirtaseintrag: Herrn Johann Andreas Deickens, Königl. Preuss. Amtsgeschworenen, Gerichtsschöppens u. Einwohners in Pansfelds (Amt Falkenstein) jüngster Sohn, Juvenis. Sterbejahr siehe https://www.oldisleben.de/sehenswertes/muehle.html |
:: Notice |
In this family report all information about Johann F r i e d r i c h DEICK is summarized. The listed names are (except of data protection) linking to the family reports of the selected persons. |
:: Contact |
For further information concerning these data and, if you have additions, corrections or questions, please contact:
Ingo Brambach
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