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Local heritage book of Blösien/Reipisch
Family report

Johann Gottfried FISCHER
* 23.10.1756 in + Reipisch
There are similar people in the OFB NLF!
Andreas Gottfried FISCHER ✶ 1814 in Frmmstedt bei Smmerda
Friedrich Johann Ludwig FISCHER ✶ 25.10.1802 in Gellersen, † 04.11.1871 in Richland US
George Gottfried FISCHER ✶ 23.01.1804 in Gorsleben DE-TH
123 weitere Personen vorhanden!
There are similar people in the OFB Holzhausen, Wilhelmshausen, Knickhagen!
Johann Christoph FISCHER ✶ 13.04.1704 in Knickhagen, † 29.04.1704 in Knickhagen
Johann Lorenz FISCHER ✶ 09.12.1714 in Albungen, † 29.04.1772 in Veckerhagen
Johann Wilhelm FISCHER ✶ 10.04.1687 in Knickhagen, † 15.12.1691 in Knickhagen
There are similar people in the OFB Baltimore, Maryland, USA!
Carl Johann FISCHER ✶ 24.11.1873 in Baltimore City, † 25.04.1874 in Baltimore City
Gottfried FISCHER ✶ 12.1825, † 17.01.1872 in Baltimore City
Johann FISCHER ✶ 1851 in Baltimore City
24 weitere Personen vorhanden!
There are similar people in the OFB Niedereichstädt!
Johann FISCHER ✶ vor 1520
Johann Carl FISCHER ✶ vor 1824
Johann Friedrich FISCHER ✶ 22.04.1838 in - Niedereichstdt
4 weitere Personen vorhanden!
There are similar people in the OFB Magdeburg!
Heinrich Johannes FISCHER ✶ 20.03.1857 in Magdeburg, † 04.11.1881 in Magdeburg
Johann FISCHER ✶ 13.12.1636 in Lbeck, † 17.05.1705 in Magdeburg
Johann FISCHER † vor 1683
Johann FISCHER ✶ um 1656 in Schweidnitz
24 weitere Personen vorhanden!
There are similar people in the OFB Niederwünsch!
Johann Carl FISCHER ✶ um 1815 in Schafstdt
Johann Gottlieb FISCHER ✶ um 1799 in Dornstdt
Johann Gottlob FISCHER ✶ um 1955 in - Niederwnsch, † 18.02.1841 in - Niederwnsch
There are similar people in the OFB Obereichstädt!
There are similar people in the OFB Benndorf/Naundorf (Geiseltal)!
Johann Friedrich FISCHER ✶ um 1997, † 23.11.1865 in - Naundorf
Johannes FISCHER ✶ 02.02.1616 in - Grfendorf
There are similar people in the OFB Klobikau!
Adam Gottfried FISCHER ✶ um 1795 in Schafstdt
Johann Andreas FISCHER ✶ 04.02.1782 in - Niederklobikau, † 23.09.1851 in - Niederklobikau
Johann Andreas FISCHER ✶ 29.09.1790 in - Niederklobikau
Johann Andreas FISCHER ✶ 18.04.1822 in - Niederklobikau
Johann Carl FISCHER ✶ 21.02.1814 in - Niederklobikau
18 weitere Personen vorhanden!
There are similar people in the OFB Krakau (Bad Lauchstädt)!
Johann Adam FISCHER ✶ 18.06.1719 in - Krakau
Johann Friedrich FISCHER ✶ vor 1815 in Osendorf (b.Anderwall)
Johannes FISCHER ✶ 1630 in - Krakau, † 1635 in - Krakau
Johannes FISCHER ✶ 26.03.1675 in - Krakau, † 25.07.1729 in - Krakau
There are similar people in the OFB Kriegstedt (Bad Lauchstädt)!
Johann Andreas FISCHER ✶ 05.01.1748 in - Burgstaden
Johann Christoph FISCHER ✶ 20.07.1749 in - Oberkriegstedt
Johann Christoph FISCHER ✶ 26.12.1781 in Niederklobikau
Johann Christoph FISCHER ✶ 17.07.1746 in - Burgstaden, † 29.12.1746 in - Burgstaden
8 weitere Personen vorhanden!
There are similar people in the OFB Bündorf!
Johann Christian FISCHER ✶ 06.05.1720 in - Knapendorf
There are similar people in the OFB Behnsdorf!
Johann Friedrich FISCHER ✶ in Neuhaldensleben
There are similar people in the OFB Frankleben/Runstädt!
Andreas Johannes FISCHER ✶ 04.11.1675 in - Frankleben, † 16.03.1678 in - Frankleben
Gottfried FISCHER ✶ 01.03.1696 in - Frankleben
Gottfried FISCHER ✶ 09.12.1777 in - Frankleben, † 13.12.1777 in - Frankleben
Johann FISCHER ✶ 05.02.1690 in + Runstdt, † 15.08.1691 in + Runstdt
Johann FISCHER ✶ vor 1680
12 weitere Personen vorhanden!
There are similar people in the OFB Riethnordhausen!
Johannes FISCHER ✶ 03.1664 in Riethnordhausen
Johannes FISCHER ✶ 20.04.1690 in Riethnordhausen
There are similar people in the OFB Schotterey!
Gottfried August FISCHER ✶ vor 1800, † vor 1853
There are similar people in the OFB Aken (Elbe)!
(Johann) Wilhelm Jacob FISCHER ✶ 10.04.1755 in Aken (Elbe)
Christian Gottfried FISCHER ✶ 13.06.1817 in Aken (Elbe), † 03.07.1817 in Aken (Elbe)
Christian Gottfried FISCHER ✶ 18.10.1731 in Aken (Elbe), † 03.10.1763
Christian Gottfried FISCHER ✶ 26.10.1727 in Aken (Elbe)
57 weitere Personen vorhanden!
There are similar people in the OFB Jübar!
Johann Georg FISCHER ✶ 1744, † 29.03.1793 in Jbar/Altmark
Johann Heinrich Wilhelm FISCHER ✶ 12.12.1775 in Jbar/Altmark
There are similar people in the OFB Branderoda!
Johann FISCHER ✶ vor 1700 in Ebersroda
Johann Nicolaus FISCHER ✶ vor 1750 in Oechlitz
There are similar people in the OFB Saubach!
Johann Adam FISCHER ✶ 02.01.1715 in + Steinburg
Johann Christian FISCHER ✶ 18.09.1714 in + Steinburg
Johann Hennrich FISCHER ✶ 25.05.1712 in + Steinburg, † 30.05.1713 in + Steinburg
There are similar people in the OFB Zeitzer Region!
Gottfried FISCHER ✶ vor 1694 in Reuen
Gottfried FISCHER ✶ vor 1760 in Schwertzau
Gottfried FISCHER ✶ vor 1690, † 14.04.1714 in Weickelsdorf
Gottfried FISCHER ✶ 26.02.1693 in Teuchern
Johann FISCHER ✶ vor 1735
34 weitere Personen vorhanden!
There are similar people in the OFB Genthin!
Gottfried FISCHER ✶ 23.03.1808 in Fienerode, † 30.07.1869 in Genthin
Johann Andreas FISCHER ✶ 1792, † 1834 in Reesen
Johann Andreas Friedrich FISCHER ✶ 03.05.1854 in Hohenbellin, † 23.11.1854 in Hohenbellin
Johann Gottlieb FISCHER ✶ 07.10.1793 in Genthin
Johann Joachim Andreas FISCHER ✶ 14.02.1758 in Genthin
2 weitere Personen vorhanden!
There are similar people in the OFB Mücheln!
There are similar people in the OFB Möckerling!
Gottfried FISCHER ✶ vor 1675
Johann Christoph FISCHER ✶ 20.01.1687 in + Zbigker
Johann Samuel FISCHER ✶ um 1791 in - Mckerling
Johannis FISCHER ✶ um 1607, † 26.02.1671 in - Mckerling
There are similar people in the OFB Möckerling (1771-1935)!
Christian Gottfried FISCHER ✶ 09.04.1845 in Mckerling, † 07.08.1845 in Mckerling
Christian Gottfried FISCHER ✶ 15.03.1815 in Mckerling, † 08.07.1849 in Mckerling
Johann Carl FISCHER ✶ 09.04.1834 in Mckerling, † 1862
Johann Carl Gottlob FISCHER ✶ 08.10.1832 in Krumpa ?, † 16.05.1910 in Mckerling
Johann Christian FISCHER ✶ 05.02.1830 in Mckerling, † 1858 in Mcheln/Geiseltal ?
5 weitere Personen vorhanden!
There are similar people in the OFB Huy-Neinstedt!
Johann Georg FISCHER ✶ in Andenburg?, † 20.12.1778 in HUy-Neinstedt
There are similar people in the OFB Schmirma (1616-1947)!
Adam Gottfried FISCHER ✶ 1795 in Schafstdt ?, † nach 1846
Johann Gottfried FISCHER ✶ 1835 in Krumpa ?, † nach 1876 in Crumpa ?
There are similar people in the OFB Mönchpfiffel!
There are similar people in the OFB Darlingerode und Altenrode!
Johann Michael "Gottfried" FISCHER ✶ 15.09.1798 in Wasserleben
There are similar people in the OFB Badersleben!
Johann Heinrich FISCHER ✶ 22.02.1812 in Harsleben, † 29.05.1889 in Badersleben
There are similar people in the OFB Schlanstedt!
Johann Andreas Christoph FISCHER ✶ 20.05.1801 in Pabstorf
Johann Christoph FISCHER ✶ 01.10.1814 in Schlanstedt, † 10.04.1883 in Schlanstedt
Johann Christoph Georg FISCHER ✶ 17.08.1825 in Schlanstedt
Johann Friedrich FISCHER ✶ 01.06.1771 in Hornhausen, † 01.03.1843 in Schlanstedt
Johann Friedrich FISCHER ✶ 25.09.1819 in Schlanstedt, † 24.05.1846 in Schlanstedt
2 weitere Personen vorhanden!
There are similar people in the OFB Amt Voigtstedt!
Gottfried Carl FISCHER ✶ 16.03.1831 in Nikolausrieth
Johann A n d r e a s FISCHER ✶ 09.1696 in Nikolausrieth, † 06.02.1773 in Nikolausrieth
Johann A n d r e a s FISCHER ✶ 06.05.1755 in Ritteburg, † 03.02.1810 in Nikolausrieth
Johann A n d r e a s FISCHER ✶ 05.08.1794 in Nikolausrieth
Johann Adam FISCHER ✶ 26.06.1721 in Einzingen, † 29.12.1739 in Nikolausrieth
37 weitere Personen vorhanden!
There are similar people in the OFB Prosigk!
Johann Andreas FISCHER ✶ in Groweiandt
Johann Christoph FISCHER ✶ 14.06.1691 in Ziebigk, † 03.09.1691 in Ziebigk
Johann Christoph FISCHER ✶ 17.03.1695 in Ziebigk
4 weitere Personen vorhanden!
There are similar people in the OFB Thurland!
Johann FISCHER † 12.11.1676 in Klein Leipzig
There are similar people in the OFB Irxleben!
There are similar people in the OFB Priorau!
Johann Georg FISCHER ✶ 08.02.1691 in Priorau
There are similar people in the OFB Salzfurtkapelle!
Johann FISCHER † 27.04.1652 in Salzfurt
Johann FISCHER ✶ 12.06.1649 in Capelle
There are similar people in the OFB Wadendorf!
There are similar people in the OFB Edderitz!
There are similar people in the OFB Rohrsheim!
There are similar people in the OFB Törten!
Johann Christian FISCHER ✶ 1716 in Trten
Johann Christoph FISCHER ✶ 1727 in Trten
Johann Gottfried FISCHER ✶ 1689 in Trten
There are similar people in the OFB Dingelstedt!
There are similar people in the OFB Baasdorf und Arensdorf!
Johann Andreas FISCHER ✶ 18.08.1750 in Baasdorf
Johann Christoph Friedrich FISCHER ✶ 18.01.1734 in Baasdorf
Johann Elias FISCHER † 07.05.1732 in Baasdorf
Johann Friedrich FISCHER † 07.05.1732 in Baasdorf
4 weitere Personen vorhanden!
There are similar people in the OFB Hortich-Stiftung!
Johann CHRISTOPH FISCHER ✶ 1753 in Aken (Elbe), † 28.06.1797 in Aken (Elbe)
Wilhelm ADOLF Johann Ewald FISCHER ✶ 18.10.1903 in Wendelstorf, † 23.01.1990 in Balneario Cambroriu
There are similar people in the OFB Raguhn!
Johann FISCHER † 02.11.1658 in Salzfurt [heute: Salzfurtkapelle]
Johann FISCHER ✶ 17.02.1673 in Raguhn, † 21.02.1673 in Raguhn
Johann FISCHER ✶ 25.05.1678, † 25.01.1679 in Raguhn
4 weitere Personen vorhanden!
There are similar people in the OFB Reinsdorf und Maasdorf!
Gottfriedt FISCHER † 07.12.1729 in Reinsdorf (Anhalt)
Johannes Christophorus FISCHER ✶ 23.02.1683 in Maasdorf (Anhalt)
There are similar people in the OFB Möckern!
There are similar people in the OFB Schortewitz!
Johann Friedrich FISCHER ✶ 02.06.1675 in Csitz
There are similar people in the OFB Rosperwenda!
Johann Christian FISCHER ✶ 11.09.1762 in Rosperwenda, † 12.02.1763 in Rosperwenda
Johann Friedrich FISCHER ✶ 02.1680 in Rola
There are similar people in the OFB Ostrau am Petersberg!
Johannes FISCHER † 24.09.1571 in Ostrau (Saalekreis)
Konfession: evangelisch
getauft: 25.10.1756 in + Reipisch
Familien (families) Kinder (children)
Keine Familie gefunden!
(No family found!)
Keine Kinder in den vorliegenden Quellen gefunden!
(No children found in used sources!)
Eltern (parents) Geschwister (siblings)
Johann Gottfried FISCHER
* vor 1730
Maria Catharina FISCHER * 1752 in + Reipisch
Anna Justina FISCHER * 1755 in + Reipisch
Johann Christoph FISCHER * 1759 in + Reipisch
Anna Catharina FISCHER * 1762 in + Reipisch
Catharina Elisabeth FISCHER * 1764 in + Reipisch
Johann Gottlieb FISCHER * 1767 in + Reipisch
* vor 1730

KBRE 1. T-021 (1756, #3)
last update OFB: 28.02.2021

:: Notice
In this family report all information about Johann Gottfried Fischer is summarized. The listed names are (except of data protection) linking to the family reports of the selected persons.

In the list of similar persons in other OFBs, the exact matches are highlighted in light blue.

:: Contact
For further information concerning these data and, if you have additions, corrections or questions, please contact:
Steffan Bruns

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