Local heritage book of Blösien/Reipisch
Family report
Johann Gottfried FISCHER
* 23.10.1756 in + Reipisch
There are similar people in the OFB NLF!
There are similar people in the OFB Holzhausen, Wilhelmshausen, Knickhagen!
There are similar people in the OFB Baltimore, Maryland, USA!
There are similar people in the OFB Niedereichstädt!
There are similar people in the OFB Magdeburg!
There are similar people in the OFB Niederwünsch!
There are similar people in the OFB Obereichstädt!
There are similar people in the OFB Benndorf/Naundorf (Geiseltal)!
There are similar people in the OFB Klobikau!
There are similar people in the OFB Krakau (Bad Lauchstädt)!
There are similar people in the OFB Kriegstedt (Bad Lauchstädt)!
There are similar people in the OFB Bündorf!
There are similar people in the OFB Behnsdorf!
There are similar people in the OFB Frankleben/Runstädt!
There are similar people in the OFB Riethnordhausen!
There are similar people in the OFB Schotterey!
There are similar people in the OFB Aken (Elbe)!
There are similar people in the OFB Jübar!
There are similar people in the OFB Branderoda!
There are similar people in the OFB Saubach!
There are similar people in the OFB Zeitzer Region!
There are similar people in the OFB Genthin!
There are similar people in the OFB Mücheln!
There are similar people in the OFB Möckerling!
There are similar people in the OFB Möckerling (1771-1935)!
There are similar people in the OFB Huy-Neinstedt!
There are similar people in the OFB Schmirma (1616-1947)!
There are similar people in the OFB Mönchpfiffel!
There are similar people in the OFB Darlingerode und Altenrode!
There are similar people in the OFB Badersleben!
There are similar people in the OFB Schlanstedt!
There are similar people in the OFB Amt Voigtstedt!
There are similar people in the OFB Prosigk!
There are similar people in the OFB Thurland!
There are similar people in the OFB Irxleben!
There are similar people in the OFB Priorau!
There are similar people in the OFB Salzfurtkapelle!
There are similar people in the OFB Wadendorf!
There are similar people in the OFB Edderitz!
There are similar people in the OFB Rohrsheim!
There are similar people in the OFB Törten!
There are similar people in the OFB Dingelstedt!
There are similar people in the OFB Baasdorf und Arensdorf!
There are similar people in the OFB Hortich-Stiftung!
There are similar people in the OFB Raguhn!
There are similar people in the OFB Reinsdorf und Maasdorf!
There are similar people in the OFB Möckern!
There are similar people in the OFB Schortewitz!
There are similar people in the OFB Rosperwenda!
There are similar people in the OFB Ostrau am Petersberg!
Bemerkungen:(notes) Konfession: evangelisch
getauft: 25.10.1756 in + Reipisch
:: Notice |
In this family report all information about Johann Gottfried Fischer is summarized. The listed names are (except of data protection) linking to the family reports of the selected persons. In the list of similar persons in other OFBs, the exact matches are highlighted in light blue. |
:: Contact |
For further information concerning these data and, if you have additions, corrections or questions, please contact:
Steffan Bruns
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