Local heritage book of Obereichstädt
Family report
Johann Andreas BORNHACKE [1]
✶ |
15 Mar 1802 in Obereichstädt |
† |
09 May 1884 in - Niedereichstädt |
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Baptism: |
17 Mar 1802 Obereichstädt Godparents: Andreas, Jgs., Samuel Bornhackens ältester Sohn; Johann Christian, Jgs., Johann Bornhackens einziger Sohn; Fr. Catharina, Adam Dietrichs Ehefrau |
1802 zweites Kind, + 9.5.1884 in NE, KBOE 4. T-007 (1802 #02),
1822 Johann Andreas Bornhacke, Daniel Bornhackes, nachbarl. Einwohners allhier ehel. ältester Sohn, 20 Jahre alt, KBOE 4. H-371 (1822 #2),
1822 Andreas Bornhacke junior, KBOE 4. T-072 (1822 #18), |
:: Notice |
In this family report all information about Johann Andreas BORNHACKE is summarized. The listed names are (except of data protection) linking to the family reports of the selected persons. |
:: Contact |
For further information concerning these data and, if you have additions, corrections or questions, please contact:
Marit Möllerhenn
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