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Database di famiglie Auswanderer Soltau/Heidmark
Rapporto di famiglia

Marie Dorothee WIEPKE [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

29.10.1842 in Düshorn (Krelingen), Heidekreis, NI, DE
in USA
Nomi Marie Dorothee WIEPKE
chiamato anche: Marie Dorothee WIEBKE
chiamato anche: Dora SOENHOLZ
sposato: oo SÖHNHOLZ
Battesimo 06.11.1842 in Düshorn, Heidekreis, NI, DE
Religione ev-luth
Censimento 1875 in Hancock, Carver County, Minnesota, USA
1895 in Hancock, Carver County, Minnesota, USA
1910 in Belle Plaine, Scott County, Minnesota, USA
Immigrazione 1867 in New York, New York, New York, USA

02 Taufe:
Marie Dorothea WIEPKE, geboren den 29 Octbr. Morgens 6 Uhr, getauft den 6. November.
Vater: der Häusling Cord Heinrich WIEPKE
Mutter: Marie COHRS
b. Dorothee COHRS

14 Immigration:
Die Passagierliste hat folgende Familienmitglieder mit Ziel Minnesota vermerkt:
image 331:
Nr.205: Friedrich Söhnholz, 35J, Farmer; Nr.206: Dorothea Söhnholz, 24J; Nr.207: Marie Wiebke, 54J; Nr.208: Fritz Wiebke, 14J; Nr.209: Cord Heinrich Wiebke, 21J, Carpenter

14 Immigration: Citing this Record
"New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1891," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 12 March 2018), Dorothea Söhnholz, 1867; citing NARA microfilm publication M237 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and RecordsAdministration, n.d.); FHL microfilm .

15 Census 1875: Dora, 33J
Citing this Record
"Minnesota State Census, 1875," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 30 July 2017), Dora Söhnholz in household of J Henry Buschmann, Hancock, Carver, Minnesota; citing p. 276, line 21, volume C - 1, State Library and Records Service, St.Paul; FHL microfilm 0565718.

15 Census 1895: Dora, 62J
Citing this Record
"Minnesota State Census, 1895," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 3 April 2016), Mrs. Dora Soenholz, Hancock township, Carver, Minnesota; citing p. 4, line 18, State Library and Records Service, St.Paul; FHL microfilm 565,765.

15 Census 1910: Dorothea Soenholz, Mutter im Haushalt des Sohnes Fred, 69J, Witwe
Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 7 February 2019), Dorothea Soenholz in household of Fred Soenholz, Belle Plaine, Scott, Minnesota, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 134, sheet 8B, family 166, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 722; FHL microfilm 1,374,735.
Matrimoni / unione di fatto Figli
Coniuge: Heinrich Friedrich SÖHNHOLZ
✶ 11.08.1831 in Düshorn (Krusenhausen), Heidekreis, NI, DE
† bef. 1895 in USA
⚭ 26.04.1867 in Düshorn, Heidekreis, NI, DE
Mary SÖHNHOLZ ✶ calc. 1868 in Minnesota, USA
Diedrich SÖHNHOLZ ✶ 13.09.1873 in Benton, Carver County, Minnesota, USA
Fred SÖHNHOLZ ✶ 13.09.1873 in Minnesota, USA, † 17.06.1959 in Ramsey County, Minnesota, USA
Genitori Fratelli e sorelle
Padre: Cord Heinrich WIEPKE
✶ 01.07.1810 in Ostenholz (Ettenbostel), Altkreis Fallingbostel, NI, DE
† in USA
Marie Engel WIEPKE ✶ 01.12.1838 in Düshorn (Krelingen), Heidekreis, NI, DE, † 08.10.1921 in Carver County, Minnesota, USA
Cord Heinrich WIEPKE ✶ 16.12.1845 in Düshorn (Krelingen), Heidekreis, NI, DE, † 29.06.1906 in Cologne, Carver County, Minnesota, USA
Kasten Heinrich WIEPKE ✶ 15.03.1849 in Düshorn (Krelingen), Heidekreis, NI, DE, † 26.01.1855 in Düshorn (Krelingen), Heidekreis, NI, DE
Johann Heinrich Friedrich WIEPKE ✶ 26.08.1852 in Düshorn (Krelingen), Heidekreis, NI, DE, † 13.07.1929 in Young America, Carver County, Minnesota, USA
Madre: Catharine Marie COHRS
✶ est. 1812 in Düshorn (Krelingen), Heidekreis, NI, DE
† in USA

[1] US - Census 1910, National Archives and Records Administration 1982 Washington D.C.,
[2] US - New York Passenger Lists 1820-1892, National Archives and Records Administration Washington, D.C.,
[3] US - Minnesota State Census 1895, State Library and Records Service,
[4] KB Düshorn 1740-1852 ≈ Konf,, * S.327#48/1842
[5] KB Düshorn 1853-1875 ⚭, Archion, oo S.94#5/1867
[6] US - Minnesota State Census 1875, tate Library and Records Service,

Ultima modifica: 27.09.2022

:: Avviso
Questo rapporto di famiglia riassume tutte le informazioni su Marie Dorothee WIEPKE. I nomi elencati (a meno che non siano soggetti a tutela dei dati personali) sono evidenziati da collegamenti ipertestuali che conducono alle relazioni familiari delle persone selezionate.
:: Dettagli del contatto
Si prega di rivolgere domande sui dati, aggiunte e correzioni all'editore di questo libro di famiglie locale:
Corinna Lohr

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