Slægtsdatabase Auswanderer Soltau/Heidmark
Marie Dorothee WIEPKE [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
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Noms: |
Marie Dorothee WIEPKE også kaldet: Marie Dorothee WIEBKE også kaldet: Dora SOENHOLZ gift med: oo SÖHNHOLZ |
02 Taufe: Marie Dorothea WIEPKE, geboren den 29 Octbr. Morgens 6 Uhr, getauft den 6. November. Vater: der Häusling Cord Heinrich WIEPKE Mutter: Marie COHRS Gevattern: a. Marie BATTERMANN b. Dorothee COHRS
14 Immigration: Die Passagierliste hat folgende Familienmitglieder mit Ziel Minnesota vermerkt: image 331: Nr.205: Friedrich Söhnholz, 35J, Farmer; Nr.206: Dorothea Söhnholz, 24J; Nr.207: Marie Wiebke, 54J; Nr.208: Fritz Wiebke, 14J; Nr.209: Cord Heinrich Wiebke, 21J, Carpenter
14 Immigration: Citing this Record "New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1891," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QVRQ-6229 : 12 March 2018), Dorothea Söhnholz, 1867; citing NARA microfilm publication M237 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and RecordsAdministration, n.d.); FHL microfilm .
15 Census 1875: Dora, 33J Citing this Record "Minnesota State Census, 1875," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MKNC-RY8 : 30 July 2017), Dora Söhnholz in household of J Henry Buschmann, Hancock, Carver, Minnesota; citing p. 276, line 21, volume C - 1, State Library and Records Service, St.Paul; FHL microfilm 0565718.
15 Census 1895: Dora, 62J Citing this Record "Minnesota State Census, 1895," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MQ6T-Z77 : 3 April 2016), Mrs. Dora Soenholz, Hancock township, Carver, Minnesota; citing p. 4, line 18, State Library and Records Service, St.Paul; FHL microfilm 565,765.
15 Census 1910: Dorothea Soenholz, Mutter im Haushalt des Sohnes Fred, 69J, Witwe Citing this Record "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M2PN-H6F : accessed 7 February 2019), Dorothea Soenholz in household of Fred Soenholz, Belle Plaine, Scott, Minnesota, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 134, sheet 8B, family 166, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 722; FHL microfilm 1,374,735. |
Ægteskaber / Partnerskaber
Ægtefælle: | Heinrich Friedrich SÖHNHOLZ ✶ 11.08.1831 in Düshorn (Krusenhausen), Heidekreis, NI, DE † bef. 1895 in USA ⚭ 26.04.1867 in Düshorn, Heidekreis, NI, DE | Mary SÖHNHOLZ ✶ calc. 1868 in Minnesota, USA
Diedrich SÖHNHOLZ ✶ 13.09.1873 in Benton, Carver County, Minnesota, USA
Fred SÖHNHOLZ ✶ 13.09.1873 in Minnesota, USA, † 17.06.1959 in Ramsey County, Minnesota, USA |
Forældre |
Søskende |
Fader: |
Cord Heinrich WIEPKE ✶ 01.07.1810 in Ostenholz (Ettenbostel), Altkreis Fallingbostel, NI, DE † in USA | Marie Engel WIEPKE ✶ 01.12.1838 in Düshorn (Krelingen), Heidekreis, NI, DE, † 08.10.1921 in Carver County, Minnesota, USA
Cord Heinrich WIEPKE ✶ 16.12.1845 in Düshorn (Krelingen), Heidekreis, NI, DE, † 29.06.1906 in Cologne, Carver County, Minnesota, USA
Kasten Heinrich WIEPKE ✶ 15.03.1849 in Düshorn (Krelingen), Heidekreis, NI, DE, † 26.01.1855 in Düshorn (Krelingen), Heidekreis, NI, DE
Johann Heinrich Friedrich WIEPKE ✶ 26.08.1852 in Düshorn (Krelingen), Heidekreis, NI, DE, † 13.07.1929 in Young America, Carver County, Minnesota, USA |
Mor: |
Catharine Marie COHRS ✶ est. 1812 in Düshorn (Krelingen), Heidekreis, NI, DE † in USA | |
Kilder | [1] | US - Census 1910, National Archives and Records Administration 1982 Washington D.C., familysearch.org | [2] | US - New York Passenger Lists 1820-1892, National Archives and Records Administration Washington, D.C., familysearch.org | [3] | US - Minnesota State Census 1895, State Library and Records Service, Familysearch.org | [4] | KB Düshorn 1740-1852 ≈ Konf, Archion.de, * S.327#48/1842 | [5] | KB Düshorn 1853-1875 ⚭, Archion, oo S.94#5/1867 | [6] | US - Minnesota State Census 1875, tate Library and Records Service, Familysearch.org | |
sidste ændring: 27.09.2022
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I denne familieoversigt er alle informationer om Marie Dorothee WIEPKE samlet. De nævnte navne er – hvis der ikke er copyright-begrænsninger – linket til hinanden og fører til de valgte personers familieoversigt. |
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