Local heritage book of Preßnitz (Prísecnice)
Family report
Stanislaus Andreas Hieronymus BITTNER
✶ |
30 Sep 1719 in Weipert |
† |
20 Apr 1801 in Weipert |
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Sterbealter 88 Jahre |
Rufname “Stanislaus”; Bürger und Büchsenmachermeister in Weipert #177 und Weipert #350 (1801) Schmidt, Carl G., Luft, Michael: Geschichte der Stadt Weipert, Komotau 1890 https://archive.org/details/geschichtedersta00schm/mode/2up: o. J. (S. 249): “Unter Pfarrer Lochner, dessen Schwester an den hiesigen Büchsenmachermeister Stanislaus Büttner verheiratet war …” o. J. (S. 278): “Ein zweiter Sohn (des Schullehrers Joseph Büttner) heiratete die Schwester des Pfarrers Lochner …” |
:: Notice |
In this family report all information about Stanislaus Andreas Hieronymus BITTNER is summarized. The listed names are (except of data protection) linking to the family reports of the selected persons. |
:: Contact |
For further information concerning these data and, if you have additions, corrections or questions, please contact:
Klaus Mund
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