Családtörténeti könyv Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Családi hirdetés
Karoline DIETRICH [1]
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Szülők |
Testvérek |
Atya: |
Bernhard DIETRICH ✶ abt. 1814 in Marburg, Kurhessen | Elisabeth DIETRICH ✶ 02.04.1844 in Baltimore City, † 17.06.1844 in Baltimore City
Johann Heinrich DIETRICH ✶ 29.08.1845, † 05.02.1846 in Baltimore City
Friedricke Hrn. DIETRICH ✶ 07.01.1847 in Baltimore City
Elisabeth DIETRICH ✶ 14.06.1849 in Baltimore City, † 14.06.1849 in Baltimore City
Juliane DIETRICH ✶ 12.01.1850 in Baltimore City
Johann Georg DIETRICH ✶ 05.08.1852 in Baltimore City
Elisabeth Friedericke DIETRICH ✶ 10.06.1855 in Baltimore City
Heinrich Karl DIETRICH ✶ 11.08.1860 in Baltimore City |
Anya: |
Friedricke SCHNEIDER ✶ abt. 1819 in Pirmasens, Rheinbayern | |
Források | [1] | Kirchenbuch Second German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baltimore, Abschrift, KB Second German Evang. Luth. Church, Baltimore, Gary B. Ruppert, M.D., Index to Baptisms, Burials and Confirmations of Second German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baltimore City, 1835-1867, Baltimore City, Jg=1867,S.=36 Text: "Dietrich; Karoline; 20-Oct-57; 1-Nov-57; Leonhardt; Marburg, Kurhessen; Schneider, Friedericka;-; Frank, Lisette Friedericka;-;-;-;;" | |
Utolsó frissítés: 15.12.2024
:: Közlemény |
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Rainer Dörry
Niedersächsischer Landesverein für Familienkunde e.V.
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